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Weird Signs That Labor Is About to Start

expectant mother feeling signs of labor

As the due date approaches, expectant mothers often become keenly aware of their bodies, looking for signals that the big moment is imminent. While many are familiar with the classic symptoms of approaching labor, such as contractions and the breaking of water, some signs are not talked about as often. These lesser-known, even weird signs labor is near can catch many by surprise. In this article, we unlock the mysteries surrounding the onset of labor, providing insights and tips to help soon-to-be moms recognize when their bodies are gearing up for the arrival of their newborn.

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The journey to motherhood is dotted with a mix of expected and unexpected events, especially when it comes to labor and delivery. Knowing the weird signs labor is near could be invaluable for expectant mothers who are on the precipice of meeting their little ones.

Nesting Instinct: This instinct can often manifest in an unusual burst of energy and an overwhelming desire to organize and prepare the home for the newborn. While it's a common symptom, some women experience it so strongly that they find themselves rearranging furniture or undertaking major cleaning projects.

Sense of Calmness: Some women report feeling an eerily deep sense of peace or calmness just before labor begins. This might seem counterintuitive given the approaching intensity of childbirth, but it could be nature's way of conserving energy for the task ahead.

Lightning Crotch: It's as bizarre as it sounds. This term refers to sharp, shooting pains that can happen when the baby moves lower into the pelvis, putting pressure on nerves.

Gastrointestinal Changes: Surprising changes in digestion, including diarrhea or nausea, can be a sign that labor is near, as the body clears the digestive tract to make way for baby's passage through the birth canal.

Increased Braxton Hicks Contractions: While often dismissed as 'false labor', a notable increase in these 'practice contractions' might indicate that actual labor is just around the corner.

These are just a few of the unexpected signs that could hint that labor is near. However, every pregnancy is unique, and the onset of labor can vary greatly from woman to woman. Expectant mothers should always consult with their healthcare provider regarding any symptoms they experience.

As you approach your due date, remember that your body has been perfectly designed to bring your baby into the world. Trust in its signals, even the weird ones, and never hesitate to reach out for support when you need it.


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